Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Is Utah Teacher and Coach Courtney Jarrell Really a Lesbian Rapist?

Salt Lake City, Utah

Until recently, Courtney Jarrell was a popular math teacher and girls’ basketball coach at Riverton High School.

Not only is she attractive, but has had some pretty amazing achievements by the age of 22.

According to Fox Salt Lake City, Jarrell was an honors student and played softball for Utah Valley University. Parents told the station that the sophomore girls basketball team Jarrett coached had just won a championship.

While Riverton High School was Jarrell’s first teaching job, students and parents alike have described her as a great teacher.

However, police are painting a much different picture, describing another side, a very disturbing, dark side. Jarrell has been arrested on charges of raping a 17-year-old female student.

Jarrell resigned from Riverton High School on Friday after being charged with two felonies, object rape and forcible sexual abuse.

According to charging documents obtained by the Deseret News, Jarrell had "illegal sexual activity" with the student at her home between February and March of this year.

A court date has been set for May 16. Jarrell could face five years to life in prison if convicted.

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