Friday, May 10, 2013

Thank God the Jodi Arias Murder Trial is Over: Vagina Photos and All!

Jodi Arias (L) Convicted of killing Travis Alexander (R)

Phoenix, Arizona

I don’t know about you, but I am glad the Jodi Arias trial is over. We didn’t talk about it here because, after all, who else wasn’t talking about it. And honestly, I couldn’t care less about the outcome.

In the event, however, you haven’t heard, the 32-year-old photographer was convicted of shooting her lover, Travis Alexander, in the face, stabbing him 27 times and slitting his throat from ear to ear in the shower of his Mesa, Ariz., apartment.

There were a number of interesting things that came out during the trial. For example, there was the discovery that candy was often used in the bedroom between Arias and Travis Alexander – specifically Tootsie Rolls. Let’s not forget that Arias admitted to receiving facials from Alexander during oral sex.

"Sometimes it hurt if it got in my eyes," she said. Hey, if that's not abuse, I don't know what is.
Maybe, it was the anal sex. Jodi Arias didn’t seem to care for it much. She reportedly revealed that Alexander didn’t pull-out the proper lube – but simply tried to rely on his own, man-made spit to get the job done. Either way, she wasn’t a fan, calling it painful. And that alone may have led to her pulling out the gun and knife used against Alexander.

The photos were graphic, especially the results of the alleged knife attack by Arias.

And as we all know, any good trial has to have a vagina photo or two – and yes, jurors got to catch a glimpse of Jodi’s meat curtains.

Maybe best of all, is the fact that Nancy Grace will be able to shut it….well, until the next case comes along. It was a nice thought though, right?

So, there you have it, Sinister’s rundown of the really important events of the Jodi Arias murder trial – facials, Tootsie Rolls, anal sex and.........vagina photos.

You’re welcome.

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