Thursday, November 22, 2012

Massachusetts Douche Baguette Lindsey Stone Fired Following Facebook Finger Fallout

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Maybe you heard the story about a woman and a disrespectful cemetery photo? Well, the woman in question was a dumbass named Lindsey Stone. The cemetery in question was Arlington National Cemetery.

Here’s the backstory. Lindsey Stone was an employee with Living Independently Forever, or LIFE, an independent community for adults with learning and intellectual disabilities. I am thinking Lindsey might be better off as a resident, because she really demonstrated her intellectual abilities (or lack of) during a company business trip which led to a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

Stone, along with a co-worker, in typical fashion of the typical idiot Facebook user, decided to take a few photos to post on their Facebook wall. By the way people, we usually do not give a shit about photos of your life. However, in this case, one particular photo caught the attention of the world.

You can guess what followed, yes outrage from viewers, sending the photo viral and bringing calls for Stone to be fired. Of course, Stone and co-worker, Jamie Schuh, tried to save face with the following statement:

"We never meant any disrespect to any of the people nationwide who have served this country and defended our freedom so valiantly."

Turns out, it was a little too late for that. LIFE has announced that both Lindsey Stone and Jamie Schuh have been terminated over the incident.

As you may have guessed, I am usually a firm supporter of freedom of speech. That is what this incident has called into question. Sure, if two goofy-ass gals decide to make an ass of themselves, I am all for it. However, I support the decision of LIFE to fire them. After all, they did this on a company trip and were stupid enough to post it to Facebook. You may have also guessed, I am not a huge fan of most Facebook users.

As for “We never meant any disrespect,” I think the middle finger in the photo says it all Lindsey. And while we’re at it Ms. Lindsey, I don’t mean any disrespect either. And might I suggest a day or two on a treadmill…

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