Friday, November 30, 2012

Ohio Dickhead William Bailey Needs an Ass-Kicking: Arrested for Taunting Disabled Girl at Bus Stop

(left) William Bailey at his sentencing hearing (right) Hope's father walks her from the bus stop

Canton, Ohio

Sinister is pissed. I hope you will be to.

This all comes after reading the story about the ultimate douchebag named William Bailey, a 43-year-old man in Ohio.

The story involves little Hope Holcomb-Knight, a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsey. Unfortunately, kids will be kids and she has had to face some harassment on the school bus about the way she walks.

Now, back to douchebag William Bailey, who only made matters worse by imitating the way the girl walks at the bus stop. Like father like son, even Bailey’s son joined in on the humiliation.

If there is any good news, it involves the fact that police stepped-in and took action. An investigation was launched in September of this year after Bailey was caught on video taunting the girl at a bus stop.

The video, which went viral on YouTube, clearly shows Bailey and son dragging their legs behind them while walking to their car at the bus stop.

The incident was recorded on a cell phone camera by a family member who was waiting inside her car at the bus stop.

Mike Knight, the girl’s father said it best.

"It makes me sick too, to think that a grown man would tease a 10-year-old disabled girl that has never done a thing to any of them for no reason. Now she doesn't want to get on the bus and go to school."

The taunting was reportedly just one of several incidents of harassment that have occurred between the two families over the past two years.

Bailey, who lives next door to the Knight family, was arrested and charged with aggravated menacing and disorderly conduct.

At trial, Bailey reportedly pleaded 'no contest' to the charges and was sentence to 29 days in jail.

The cell phone video can be viewed below.

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