Thursday, May 2, 2013

Texas Teacher Nikki Scherwitz Likes ‘Em Young: Jailed for Sexual Relationship With 16-Year-Old Student

Houston, Texas

Well, what do you know, it seems another teacher got all “hot in the crotch” over one of her students. That teacher is a 25-year-old Brazosport ISD teacher, now unemployed and the star of a shiny, new mugshot photo.

Nikki Scherwitz was charged with sexual assault of a child and improper relationship with a student. She was a 10th grade English teacher at Brazosport High School for about nine months.

And let me just tell you, I have known a few Nikkis in my day. And when you need a good lickie, you can always count on a girl named Nikki.

According to authorities, the victim is a 16-year-old 10th grader. The sexual relationship had apparently been going on for weeks.

Police were tipped off after Scherwitz allegedly showed up to an after-prom party on April 20 at a student’s house.

“She was wearing no shoes when she showed up…like a cut up, cut off shirt and everything,” said one student.

"I believe one of the students told her it wasn't right for her to be there and asked her to leave, said Lt. Raymond Garivey with the Freeport Police Department. “We have information that she was consuming alcohol."

BISD officials launched an investigation after they received a report of misconduct on April 22 involving Scherwitz. She turned in her resignation the same day she was approached about the matter, before the investigation was complete.

The case was then handed over to the Freeport Police Department who moved forward with filing charges.

Scherwitz is currently out on a $50,000 bond.

Scherwitz and her husband had separated before the relationship with the teen began. Police said the couple’s son is staying with his father.

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